
Witham Property Experts Discuss Investing In Town

Is Witham a good place to invest in? Our local property experts Olivia and Charlie look at some of the statistics that point to why you should consider Witham when purchasing property, either as a home or buy to let investment and look at the figures involved.

So Why Witham?

The easiest aspect of this is the convenience the local train station provides to commuters. Trains running every 15 minutes and most journey times under one hour, this is a real pull for many people looking to buy. Factor in that 80.4% of homes are within a 200 metre walk of a bus or train stop, then you can see it is an incredibly commuter friendly town!

But what else? How about looking at OFSTED Primary Schools? Witham has gained a great reputation for its primary schools – this is emphasised by the fact that 21.5% of homes within Witham have a OFSTED Outstanding Primary School as their nearest Primary school! That is an incredible return and trumps the regional average of 16%!

Another great selling point Witham has is the amount of green space and parks in town. Witham almost doubles the regional average with 4.1% of public green space as opposed to the regional average of 2.3%!

Well Local Property Experts, That Sounds Pretty Good…

It certainly does! But its worth considering that factors like these also double up when it comes to re-sale values. Yes, you can enjoy the area and you children can benefit from the town’s features listed above, but when they grow up, what then? Having a town that enjoys the above means there will always be someone who was in your shoes ready to take your place!

Time for some Brass Tax

This is where being a local property expert comes in handy! You can also see by the below graph that average price is also outstripping the regional average with flats and apartments and detached houses gaining 6.4% and 7.04% respectively. A fantastic bit of capital growth in some tough times for the town. We can also see that, despite a 1.5% drop in February 2019, rents have continued to grow despite challenging times.

So in Conclusion…

Witham is well worth a look when it comes to property. If you have any questions about the area, why not call the local property experts in town on 01376502500? Alternatively, check our website www.witlet.co.uk for information on properties for sale and/or to let! You can also sign up to our newsletter to keep abreast of all things property from your local property experts by clicking here!

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